The First Maine Heavy Artillery

A Regimental History Website based on the book of the same name By Horace H. Shaw and Charles J. House

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This search engine operates in 'and' mode automatically - just separate keywords with spaces. It provides the ability to search for a Name, Company, Town, and/or Event with a single entry.  Example: To locate Stillman Woodcock, just enter: Woodcock. To find all Regimental members from Topsfield Maine, just enter Topsfield. The order of the search terms is not important. More examples are listed below.

If you are searching for an entire Company you MUST enter the word Company and the letter (ie. Company D).

First Maine Heavy Artillery Known Aliases !

First Maine Heavy Artillery Roster Information !


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Find all who died of disease - disease
Find all who were killed from Bangor - killed bangor

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